
New Visitation Guidance 9-18-2020

By September 18, 2020 September 21st, 2020 No Comments

Dear Family Member:

We are excited to share the latest news regarding the loosening of State restrictions that were previously imposed on visitation to long-term care facilities such as ours. There are still parameters we must follow to continue our compliance with the State while now being able to allow family and friends to visit their loved ones. They are as follows:

  • No confirmed positive COVID-19 cases in staff in the last 14 days.
  • No active positive cases in residents.
  • Any facility previously experiencing an outbreak that has fully recovered must be adequately staffed and following adequate infection control procedures.
  • Weekly testing for COVID-19 of facility staff.
  • All Skilled Nursing Facilities must have visitors call and schedule appointment times to allow time in between for cleaning

As you can see, there is still a lot to work through to make this happen. Our number one focus is in keeping our residents, the most vulnerable population, as safe as we can from this virus. We know these in-person visits with their friends and family are good for them and we are moving in the right direction to make that happen. Please continue to have patience with us as we are actively following these new standards of visiting. 

We have been and continue to allow visits through the patients’ windows, virtual visits, and at our visitor stations that are set up through the windows in set areas. Please call us to schedule a time for these visits as you can still have them at any time. We look forward to these new changes and seeing you again very soon.

3710 Rawlins Street, Suite 1325      Dallas, Tx 75219      Phone: (972) 428-0900      Fax: (972) 428-0899

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