
Priority Management Announcement-Limiting Visitation

By March 12, 2020 June 15th, 2020 No Comments

Dear Visitors and Family Members going in and out of our skilled nursing facilities.

We want to give you an update on precautions we are taking in regard to the Corona Virus also known as COVID-19. In an effort to protect your loved one.

Due to recent guidance updates from CDC and CMS, we are limiting visitation until further notice. Limiting means that guests will not be allowed to come into the facility unless approved by facility administration. We currently do not have any “presumptive” cases at the facility, and are striving to ensure this doesn’t occur. We appreciate your patience and cooperation with our changes in protocols but know that the safety and well-being of your loved one is our number one priority.

You are welcome to call the Social Service Director at your facility to set up a phone call with your loved one. If the Social Services Director is unavailable, please feel free to call your loved one’s nurse at any point for an update.

You are also welcome to visit the News Section on our corporate website at for continuing updates and instructions.

Priority Management wants to thank you for the opportunity you have given us to love and care for your loved one. We appreciate your understanding during this time of focus on winning against COVID-19. God Bless!

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