
12.11.20 Vaccine Communication

By December 11, 2020 No Comments



In these unprecedented times, we are witnessing and becoming a part of a historic war waged against a disease. As the COVID-19 situation continued to evolve frontline healthcare workers have been on the forefront of this battle throughout this ordeal, we have emphasized and practiced safe social distancing and wearing proper PPE to ensure everyone’s safety. While each day has been a challenge, our love and dedication to our residents and one another has kept us going.  The days have been long, but the end is now in sight. There will be a game-changing vaccine ready to be administered very soon.  

In the upcoming weeks, we will be offering the COVID-19 vaccine to all patients and employees to help prevent COVID-19 and slow this pandemic down. Leading the way for Priority Management will be our three owners.  They will be some of the first to get the vaccine. They hope to show employees, residents, and their families that this vaccine is safe and what they believe like others, it is the best avenue to begin to WIN this war on COVID. They know there may be apprehension to be vaccinated, but again, want employees, patients, and families to know that taking this vaccine will protect you and your family and those most vulnerable from getting COVID-19. We strongly urge all that have access to this vaccine to be vaccinated and protect those most vulnerable. 

Please watch this informative video about the vaccine.

We hope that you, like us, will consider this opportunity to receive the vaccination a blessing to you and those you interact with each day.

Priority Management ownership,

Doug Boulware

William Bauder

Steven Boulware

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